Removing a virus infection from your computer does not have to be complicated. Below I have included a simple guide in removing viruses from your computer.
I will assume that the infected machine is running microsoft windows and has internet access.
Step 1) Restart the computer and press the f8 key until a boot menu pops up. Select "safe mode with networking" from the list and press enter.
Safe mode is a diagnostic mode of windows which starts the computer with the bare minimum functionality, this prevents viruses and malware from having full control but still allows you to clean the computer.
Step 2) Open a web browser and browse to malwarebytes antimalware and download malwarebytes antimalware.
Install this program and run a full scan. This software removes 99% of viruses and malware. If it finds an infection, malwarebytes antimalware will request you restart the computer. Restart the computer and run malwarebytes antimalware full system scan again (not in safe mode).
I will assume that the infected machine is running microsoft windows and has internet access.
Step 1) Restart the computer and press the f8 key until a boot menu pops up. Select "safe mode with networking" from the list and press enter.
Safe mode is a diagnostic mode of windows which starts the computer with the bare minimum functionality, this prevents viruses and malware from having full control but still allows you to clean the computer.
Step 2) Open a web browser and browse to malwarebytes antimalware and download malwarebytes antimalware.
Install this program and run a full scan. This software removes 99% of viruses and malware. If it finds an infection, malwarebytes antimalware will request you restart the computer. Restart the computer and run malwarebytes antimalware full system scan again (not in safe mode).
3)Install some basic protection such as avast antivirus or avg. I recommend the site ninite for downloading these programs as it will install them together without any extra toolbars and bloat software.
Another good site for free software is filehippo
For more advanced virus removal techniques, try some of the following
combofix, rkill, tdss killer, kaspersky boot cd, and hijackthis.
Combofix: This is a a fantastic free program that can remove an infection, my favourite aspect of it is its ability to repair windows system files. This can be very useful and its fairly quick to run (less than half an hour).
rkill is a small program that disables fake antivirus alerts allowing you to remove them. It is becoming less effective as viruses evolve. Sometimes i run it multiple times b double clicking it repeatedly, this prevents as virus from shutting it down.
tdss killer: this small program was very useful in 2011 for removing a very nasty infection that hid itself in the master boot record (a place that antivirus software cannot usually scan).
Kaspersky boot CD: I cannot stress enough what an effective method of virus removal this is. Simply download an iso from the kaspersky website. burn it to cd using imgburn and boot the computer from cd. choose the graphical interface and run an update. run the scan and restart the computer.
Finally the best way to prevent viruses from taking hold is to continually update windows, java and flash. These features of a computer are typically used as a vector to virus infection. By keeping your computer updated, you can prevent most common infections.
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